Press Release
Green Jobs in Action; Live Solar Installation Event to be held in Arlington VA by Solar Energy World June 14-17
Residential solar installation jobs are among the best paying trade jobs available today and are projected to be one of the fastest-growing jobs over the next decade. To showcase how green jobs are growing rapidly in Virginia, Solar Energy World is inviting the press to a special, Live Residential Installation event.
From June 14 – 17, Solar Energy World, will be installing solar panels on four homes simultaneously in North Arlington. This unprecedented project employs 4 crews totaling 22 employees. The live installation provides an opportunity for news crews, reporters, legislators, and others to learn more about how a solar installation is properly executed and how solar works.
Historically, Virginia has been ranked near the bottom for statewide renewable energy deployment. This began to change last year when Virginia legislatures passed the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) which has helped companies like Solar Energy World grow green jobs in Virginia. Although Virginia hasn’t caught up yet to some of the other solar dominant states on the East Coast like New Jersey and Maryland, progress is being made.
In addition to better incentives for green focused businesses, the financial benefits and energy cost savings for homeowners in the area have improved greatly due to Virginia’s increasing consumer demand for cleaner energy. For example, Virginia now offers better financial benefits for homeowners like net-metering, a program where homeowners can get money back from the utility company for the excess energy their solar system produces. There are also new property tax exemptions and a growing SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credit) program in Virginia
Solar Energy World began serving Northern Virginia in August 2018 when it was chosen by the Local Energy Alliance Program to be the installer for SolarizeNOVA and has continued to participate in Virginia-based Solarize programs since 2018. The company has also signed up hundreds of other individual residential customers. To better serve Northern Virginia’s homeowners and businesses, Solar Energy World has expanded its operations with a new facility in Alexandria.
Anyone interested in attending Solar Energy World’s Live Solar Installation Event should contact Ray Meyer at 410-579-1672 or [email protected] for directions and schedule.
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